My Services


The  outcome of this service will be having a good solid foundation and a clear direction to move forward with your game idea.

This Service Is For You If:


  • You want to validate the fundamental premises of your game idea before spending too many resources on it
  • You want to have a clear concrete target to guide your development and make it more efficient
  • You need images that represent your vision simply to help you sell your idea to investors, prospective partners, and potential customers


The Process is Simple:



  1. First, we’ll make sure we have a clear understanding of your overall goals

    • What do you want the game to accomplish?
    • What do you want your players to take away from the game?
    • How will the game be sustainable/profitable?
    • What is the scope of the game?

  2. We’ll make sure we have a clear understanding of your target players

    • Who are they?
    • Why would they want to play your game?
    • Why would they want to stick around and tell their friends about it?

  3. We’ll work with you to define a unifying theme that resonates with your goals and your players.

    • What is the topic?
    • What is your opinion about that topic?
    • Is it relevant to your audience and goals?
    • What is the main conflict?

  4. We’ll explore and develop the art style to communicate your vision

  5. We’ll add story, community, and game mechanic ideas that support the theme and the emotions we want to communicate.

  6. We’ll develop a set of images that communicate your vision and resonate with your audience.

  7. We’ll test and iterate those images with your audience.

  8. You will have a validated strong foundation for your game idea and the images to sell it to investors, partners and potential players.

For more info Contact Me Here



The  outcome of this service will be having a minimum viable product that engages your players and reaches your goals.

This Service Is For You If:


  • You want to figure out your risks and tackle them before you spend all your resources.
  • You want to focus on developing first a core experience that engages your players
  • You want to create a Minimum Viable Product that reaches your objectives


The Process Goes Like This:


  1. First, we’ll make sure we have a clear understanding of your vision and goals

    • What do you want the game to accomplish?
    • Who are your target players?
    • What do you want your players to take away from the game?
    • Why would they want to stick around and tell their friends about it?
    • How will the game be sustainable/profitable?
    • What is the scope of the game?

  2. We’ll make an assessment of your main risks and come up with a prototyping plan

    • Are you trying a new game mechanic?
    • Are you using new IP?
    • Are you using a new platform?
    • Are you trying a new business model?
    • Do you have a new team?

  3. We’ll develop your core loop through rapid prototyping and make sure it engages your target players.

  4. We’ll tackle any additional risks also through rapid prototyping

  5. Once we have found solutions for your main risks we’ll set the scope and pipelines that will let us finish an Minimum Viable Product with the available resources.

  6. We’ll develop your Minimum Viable Game through an iterative process to make sure it works with your target audience.


For more info Contact Me Here



You know that you have a good game, but for some reason it is not working as you expected. Maybe it is not standing out in the crowd, maybe it is getting players but it is not keeping them around. This can be in part a marketing issue, but in most cases better marketing alone won’t be enough. Better marketing might help you get more people in, but it won’t help you keep players around. Doing that usually involves strengthening and remixing the elements of your game that create engagement and emotional connection. I can help you do that.

The Process Will Be Something Like This:



  1. Game Analysis. First we go through a checklist to make sure your game has all the elements necessary to have a solid foundation:

    • A clear picture of your ultimate goals and target players.
    • A unifying theme that resonates with your audience.
    • A clear path for player engagement.
    • A fun and meaningful core loop
    • A well-rounded memorable experience

  2. Improvement Plan. Based on what we find in the game analysis, we’ll put together a plan with potential solutions organized in terms of potential impact and cost to implement.

  3. Iterative Player-Centric Implementation. As almost everything in game development, the only way to see if something works is by putting it in front of real players, and iterate from there. Our goal is not to implement all the potential improvements we see, but to start testing and iterating on the solutions with the highest potential return of investment to get the most results with the least amount of work.

For more info Contact Me Here