The flow of a successful game

Stand Out

Don’t be afraid to be different! To be successful, games need first to stand out and be noticed (an nobody notices stuff that looks the same as everything else), then connect with players and engage them, and finally find a way to continue growing their player base. Assuming of course that there is a sustainable business model behind.

The flow looks something like this:

There are two main factors that will make your game stand out at first sight:

  • your game has a theme that your target players find relevant, and
  • the way your game looks resonates with them.

Ideally it will work something like this:

It is not as complicated as it might seem.

  • Your game and its elements (art, mechanics, story) support a theme that your players find relevant
  • The art style of your game resonates with your target players.
  • Your players have a reason to share and talk about your game with their friends (community).

These two things will help your game to get noticed by the people you want, but to have a successful game you also need to connect with players, engage them, and grow.

The most effective way of developing a game that does these things is by following a player-centric development grouped in three steps:

  1. Your Fortified Vision which will help you sell your idea, confirm that your core assumptions work with your target players, and serve you as your northern star that guides you through the hectic development process.
  2. A Prototype of Your Core Engagement Loop where you will figure out the cycle of events that will both keep your players engaged and let you achieve your goals.
  3. Your Minimum Viable Product  focused only on your main loop, and leading players in and out of this loop to allow your game to stand out, connect with players, and grow.

For more information on how can I help you develop a successful game, take a look at my services